Recent Newsletters

11 November 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Adviser News

Its been a busy period at Zurich, so please take a moment to read a summary of all our important product, business and education updates.

1 October 2024 Product updates 

On 1 October, we made important updates to our Zurich Wealth Protection and Active, and OnePath OneCare products. These changes were designed to better meet customer needs, add more flexibility, and improve the premium efficiency of your protection solutions for both new and existing customers. 
You can see all of the updates here > Zurich / OnePath. 

New Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Option: Continuous Care 

Excitingly, included in these changes, we introduced a new TPD option called ‘Continuous Care’. This option lets you make TPD protection more suited to your client’s needs, affordable, and fit for purpose. You can now include the Continuous Care option in new or existing TPD policies.  
Find out everything you need to know about Continuous Care option.  

The Adviser Portal - How to Webinar

To help you get the most out of our new Continuous Care option and other features within The Adviser Portal, join our “Quick Bites” series on _ZONE Education. In this webinar, you will learn how to quote Continuous Care, compare and amend quote scenarios, and explore many other great features available within the Portal.  
Watch Webinar 

Transfer of Zurich Insurance-only Superannuation Plan members to Brighter Super 

On 1 October we completed the transfer of Zurich Insurance-only Superannuation Plan members to our new partner, Brighter Super. Brighter Super is experienced in supporting insurance-only super structures and brings an expertise to the partnership.  
If your clients were members of the Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited (Trustee), they received an update about this move in August. Brighter Super recently began sending out Welcome Letters and these should be with your clients very shortly. 
Click here to find out more including grace periods for administration forms.   
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Business Development Manager.  
Feel free to click the buttons below to explore Zurich News or OnePath News hosted on our dedicated Adviser pages. Alternatively, you can keep scrolling.


Kieran Forde
Head of Adviser Channel
Zurich Australia



Have you accessed Cost of Care: Volume 2? Log into _ZONE Education today!

Did you know, one in every two Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 years*. 

'Cost of Care: Volume 2' provides updated incidence, prevalence and mortality data across many health conditions such as Cancer, including the latest in trends and treatments unseen financial implications of significant health events.

*Reference: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Overview of cancer in Australia, 2023

Read more about The Cost of Care Volume 2


Webinar: Ethical Challenges of navigating multigenerational wealth

The intricate balance of retaining first generation wealth and the seamless transition to the next generation is becoming a pivotal focus in financial planning practices. This webinar delves into the ethical dilemmas that might arise while handling advice across different generations. We will guide you on how to steer through these challenges and propose effective strategies.

Watch webinar


Ensombl: Latest Engine Room Podcast

We have partnered with Ensombl: to bring you regular and insightful Engine Room podcasts. In this latest episode, Andrew Rocks talks with Daniel Harris, Associate Director at Grimsey Wealth. They discuss his journey into financial advice, his career experience and their focus on serving the medical professional market through a collaborative, family-oriented culture and a commitment to innovation and growt. To listen to this episode plus many more please follow the link below.

Check out the Engine Room Podcast


Missed our Risk Renaissance event? Catch up on-demand

Did you miss our flagship adviser event? As well as hearing from our CEO Justin Delaney and getting an update on our recent product updates, we were joined by industry leaders who demonstrated how you can "scale up" your business model to help you thrive. Professor Richard Hopkins, former Head of Operations for the World Championship-winning Red Bull Formula One Team, also joined us as a guest speaker, sharing his insights to strengthen your risk advice services.

Watch Risk Renaissance event

17 July 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Adviser News

We recently concluded our Advisory Board series for 2024 and I would like to thank those advisers who participated. We held boards in the five main centres and sought feedback across product, underwriting, digital enhancements and claims. The Advisory Boards are a great way for us to gather adviser insights, guidance and recommendations to ensure we remain on the right track. This feedback is highly valued and helps us prioritise what our teams are working on to support you and your clients.

Claims Concierge 

We aspire to continually deliver a claims service that adds genuine value to both you and our customers.  
While your assistance and involvement at claims time does not change, this new service allows us to work more efficiently with you and our customers during the claims process, providing improvements in response time and importantly reducing the burden of paper-based tasks and friction filled processes. You can read more about Claims Concierge here.

We don’t just cover, we care

Last year, Zurich and OnePath Life supported 12,252 customers and paid over $1.53 billion in life insurance claims. You can have a look at the claims we paid, the top causes of claims and hear from our claims staff tell their stories on the customers they have supported by visiting our dedicated digital claims pages > ZurichOnePath

The Cost of Care: Volume 2

I hope you have had the opportunity to read our latest research paper, ‘The Cost of Care: Volume 2’.  

In the first week of this important paper being released, we reached over one million Australians through coverage in the media, raising awareness of our health and financial ecosystem and providing context for broader education on why life insurance is so important.   
Additional to this paper, we have designed an interactive tool ‘Someone Like You’, to help segment the research for a one-to-one client conversation based on your clients’ specific age and gender profile. 
You can download a copy of the paper and request access to the ‘Someone Like You’ tool through _ZONE Education by visiting

The Adviser Portal

We continue to make a substantial effort to improve the quoting capabilities in The Adviser Portal, including the ability to submit alteration quotes direct from the portal moments after generating a quote.  
With these enhancements, it’s now much faster for you to submit an alteration via the portal, saving as much as a day on average when comparing against other methods such as phone or email.  You can see the latest enhancements on inforce quoting capabilities here.

You can also view our policy alterations video on _ZONE Education here – Policy Alteration quotes in the Adviser Portal.

As always, thank you for your support, and all the best for the second half of the year.  


Kieran Forde
Head of Adviser Channel
Zurich Australia



Hear from our Chief of Claims Officer, Matt Paterson

Behind every claim is a person or family experiencing challenging times, and we’re proud to be there for them when they need us most. Matt’s note addresses the evolving landscape of insurance, driven by longer lifespans, emerging risks, and a commitment to enhancing customer health and claims support. 

Read message from Matt


CPD webinar: Elevate your claims management skills 

Join us on _ZONE Education and elevate your claims management skills. Learn about super vs. non-super ownership, own vs any occupation assessments in IP and TPD claims, and gain practical tips from real cases. Perfect for advisers and claims professionals, this session will sharpen your skills, ensure ethical practices, and boost client satisfaction.

Register here


The Cost of Care: Volume 2

This updated research provides valuable insights into incidence, prevalence, and mortality data, along with the financial implications of major health events.

Read more about The Cost of Care Volume 2  


Nominations are now open

We are on the search for outstanding individuals who are committed to excellence by demonstrating higher standards and dedication to their professional development. If that's you or someone you know, visit FAAA today and apply.

Visit FAAA today and apply


Save time with our latest self-service features in The Adviser Portal

  • Update rollover details
  • Upload outstanding requirements against an application
  • Submit policy alterations
  • Alter CPI
  • Update contact details
  • Add Third Party Authority

Read more about The Adviser Portal


Collaborating with UTS on AI solution for underwriting mental health

We've partnered with the University of Technology Sydney to develop AI models that streamline underwriting life insurance applications, allowing us to make an immediate underwriting decision on applications with mental health disclosures without the need for a doctor’s report, which previously would take as long as 22 days.

Read more about Zurich partnered with UTS


Investments Webinar: Is now the time to invest in Australian Small Caps?

Join Paul Biddle, Co-Portfolio Manager of the Celeste Australian Small Companies Fund to discuss why he thinks Small Caps in Australia are set to outperform. Paul will also consider how long-term investors can manage some of the pitfalls associated with Small Cap investing as well as where the Celeste team is finding opportunities today.

Register for the webinar


Transform your client service with our Pre-Assessment Tool

Introducing our innovative white labelled pre-assessment tool, featuring dynamic reflex questions for accurate data collection, compatible across insurers to reduce delays. Customisable and efficient, this tool can align with your brand while streamlining processes and improving client outcomes.

Find out more about the Pre-Assessment Tool


Visit 'My Wellbeing Guide' for free government and community-based resources

A personalised directory of free government and community health services available to you and your clients. Whether you or your clients are striving to maintain health or seeking ways to feel better, our curated list of the best mental health support resources can help you or someone you care about.

Visit My Wellbeing Guide


End of Financial Year Statements

Your clients can expect to receive their 2023-2024 end of financial year (EOFY) documents from mid to late July.

Visit our dedicated Adviser EOFY information pages to find out more.

21 May 2024

A note from Kieran Forde

A seamless experience with the claims concierge

We recently launched the Claims Concierge for Zurich and OnePath income protection customers. This team of experienced Claims Consultants offer a more streamlined service, with a new approach to the way we collect information at claim time.

The Claims Concierge manages customer expectations from the outset and where a customer is identified as needing extra support with the claim lodgement, they can benefit from Zurich’s partnership with CaseWorks. Through this service, the customer is connected with a healthcare professional who will attend a joint appointment with the customer and their health specialist or general practitioner.

Additionally, vulnerable customers can access rehabilitation and support services like the Cancer Support Program and Financial and Grief Counselling. These services are offered as part of the initial phone call, without waiting on the paperwork. 

While the Claims Concierge is still in its infancy, we are already seeing some great customer outcomes. Later in the year, we plan to roll this service out to Trauma claimants. If you would like to know more about the Claims Concierge, please speak to your Business Development Manager.

The Adviser Portal keeps getting better

True to our word, we continue to enhance The Adviser Portal to bring simplicity and efficiency to you and your practice staff. In our most recent technology release, we added even more quoting scenarios to the portal and launched the first iteration of Portfolio Insights.

Through Portfolio Insights, you can delve into the detail of your Zurich and OnePath book of business by age, gender, occupation class, smoking status and more. Throughout the year we plan to bring you even further insights, giving you a comprehensive view of your portfolio. Visit The Adviser Portal > Insights

Our next drop of technology enhancements is coming in June, stay tuned for more. 

OneCare PDS update

We recently delivered two updates to the OneCare and OneCare Super policy T&Cs in our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). While these changes are not materially adverse or change the intent, we have included a summary of these on our website for you to view > Product updates.

Commitment to continuous improvement

We are always looking for ways to continuously improve the products and services we offer to you and your clients. Over the next few months we will be busy working on a product update and further digital enhancements to the adviser and customer portals.

As always, thank you for your ongoing partnership. If you need support, please reach out to your Business Development Manager.


Kieran Forde
Head of Adviser Channel
Zurich Australia



What sets a Field Underwriter apart from other Underwriters? An interview with Tim Barnes

Join us as Tim offers a glimpse into his new role at Zurich, how he's helping streamline the underwriting process, and the importance of his work in getting customers insured more swiftly. Find out what sets a Field Underwriter apart from other underwriters and how his role boosts the efficiency of client-adviser interactions.

Read article


LiveWell Telehealth, connecting customers to licensed medical professionals in minutes

Have your clients downloaded the latest LiveWell By Zurich app? Available to eligible Zurich and OnePath policy holders, LiveWell by Zurich now features Telehealth, a free 24/7 health service that connects our customers to licensed medical professionals in minutes.

Read more about LiveWell Telehealth


CPD Webinar: Impactful Client Engagement

Boost your client engagement skills whilst mastering the art of providing life insurance advice this month on _ZONE Education. This webinar will delve into various insurance sales techniques, followed by a Q&A with the audience. Regardless of your experience level, this webinar promises to refine your soft skills as a life insurance adviser.

Register for the Impactful Client Engagement webinar  

4 March 2024

Welcome note from Kieran Forde

Following a number of years of declining life insurance new business, 2023 was a turning point. The market experienced growth of approximately 8% in 2023 and 2024 has started positively. There is an air of optimism returning to the market. The talk from regulators is all about improving access to financial advice, and advice practices are positioned well for growth and are in good shape financially.

At Zurich we have been busy delivering improvements across our business and have a number of exciting developments in the pipeline to improve our services to you. In the second half of 2023 we reorganised ourselves and put all functions that impact our adviser relationships together, our BDM's, underwriters, case managers, product and pricing teams and service teams have been brought together under one team. It's a privilege to be leading our adviser business and we are working hard to provide better local relationship based services to you.

Our adviser team mission is to be Australia's leading insurer that advisers trust, recommend and find the easiest to do business with. We are working hard to achieve our mission and hope that this resonates with you. Thanks again for your support in 2023 and we look forward to strengthening our partnership with you in 2024.

TPD Roundtables

Recently we sent out important information regarding the challenges and future opportunities we are experiencing with TPD insurance and some of the initiatives we have in place to address it. Please visit where you will be able to access all key information and support tools.

The Adviser Portal

We're continuing to invest in our technology to improve the way you do business with us. With our most recent enhancement to both the adviser and customer portals, OnePath claims information is now available to view online. Giving you the ability to instantly view any current claim on any of your clients’ policies. To find out the latest enhancements to The Adviser Portal, including new quoting scenarios, you can visit or

Zone Education

We're committed to keeping you informed about industry trends and developments through our online education and training resources on Zone Education. Our team of experts will be working hard to provide you with a comprehensive education program for 2024. For the most up-to-date CPD sessions, visit

Delivering Better Financial Outcomes

The Federal Government's Delivering Better Financial Outcomes package is bringing legislative reform in 2024. We fully support the intent and direction of this proposed legislation. Our aim is to make insurance advice more affordable and accessible, and we'll continue to advocate for advisers and customers.

Melbourne Football Club

I’m excited to let you know that we have extended our partnership with Melbourne Football Club for a further three years. This partnership is helping bring much needed awareness for the products and services we offer the community all across Australia, and we are really proud to be the team behind the team! You can watch our partnership announcement video here.

I'm optimistic about the opportunities ahead and I'm looking forward to partnering with you again. 


Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



The Adviser Portal, keeps getting better- OnePath Claims information now available to view online.

When it comes to claim time, we want to ensure the process is as seamless as possible for you and our customers. With our latest enhancements to The Adviser Portal, you can now view important information in relation to any current or historical claim on any of your clients’ Zurich and OnePath policies. Saving you time and removing manual processes.  

Visit our dedicated portal page to see the latest enhancements.


RiskInfo TPD Roundtable Series

In the final instalment of this TPD Round Table discussion with RiskInfo, the panel turns its focus towards finding solutions and a future pathway that will enable the Australian TPD offer to remain sustainable, fit for purpose, affordable and accessible for all who would benefit from the critical protection role this product serves.

Read more about RiskInfo TPD Roundtable series.


Global Risks Report 2024

In partnership with Zurich and Marsh McLennan, the World Economic Forum has released The Global Risks Report 2024. In its 19th edition, the report identifies the most severe perceived risks to economies and societies over the next two years and the next decade. For the first time, ‘misinformation and disinformation’ topped the short-term risk rankings, while ‘extreme weather’ and ‘critical change to earth systems’ were named the greatest long-term concerns.

Read more about Global Risks Report 2024


Melbourne Football Club Partnership, another 3yrs!

Having proudly served as Co-Principal Partner of MFC’s AFL team since 2018 and MFC’s AFLW team since 2020, our partnership has been instrumental in driving meaningful community initiatives. As we embark on this exciting next chapter of our partnership, we remain committed to making a lasting and positive impact within the AFL & AFLW space, as well as the wider community.

Read more about MFC partnership.


Time for a health check-up?

Maintaining good health and taking proactive measures is so important. We’ve compiled a practical guide on recommended health checks based on age, helping you stay on track with your health no matter what stage of your life you’re in.

Read health checks guide based on age.


LiveWell Telehealth, connecting customers to licensed medical professionals in minutes

Have your clients downloaded the latest LiveWell By Zurich app? Available to eligible Zurich and OnePath policy holders, LiveWell by Zurich now features Telehealth, a free 24/7 health service that connects our customers to licensed medical professionals in minutes.

Get fast answers to medical questions with LiveWell Telehealth.


What is your Risk Philosophy?

Join us on _ZONE Education this month for an hour of power. We have invited high performing advisers to share insights on how they have crafted their unique risk philosophy to underpin their advice and recommendations. Whether you represent a large or small practice, this webinar will provide valuable perspectives. 

Watch the webinar on _Zone Education

21 December 2023

December's note from Kieran Forde

Thank you very much for your support during 2023 and for everything you have done to ensure your customers remain protected despite difficult cost of living pressures.

We hope the technology improvements we have made this year have made it easier for you to deliver advice more efficiently. We’ve seen a big increase in usage across both our customer and adviser portals and lots of positive feedback. We will continue to develop our range of services we provide via our portals and have an exciting roadmap of enhancements to be delivered in 2024. 

We also know how important the support you get directly from our teams is and we’ll be expanding our local presence across our Sales, Underwriting and Case Management teams to ensure you have the right contacts in place to provide the new business support you need.

Finally, it was a welcome development to see the recent announcement by the Assistant Treasurer on a plan to expand access to quality and affordable advice. There is obviously lots of detail still to come but there is potential for these reforms to create significant benefits for consumers and the broader economy. I also think these proposed changes create some interesting opportunities for advisers and advice groups to grow their pipeline of customers and staff. We look forward to working collaboratively with the Government and the Parliament to help implement these important reforms. Read more about Zurich welcomes advice reforms.

As we close off 2023, we wish you and your families and friends a safe and happy holiday season and look forward to the great things we can achieve together in 2024.



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



RiskInfo TPD Roundtable Series

We are pleased to sponsor the RiskInfo TPD Roundtable series. This important series discusses the critical issues associated with the current TPD product in market and whether it remains both sustainable and fit for purpose. You can watch part 1 and part 2 today.

Read more about RiskInfo TPD Roundtable series.


The Adviser Portal, keeps getting better

We are continuing to invest in our adviser portal functionality. With enhancements to our online application, submission processes, inforce management, plus more, we are confident we can provide you with greater digital efficiency.

Visit our dedicated portal pages to see the latest enhancements.


Most popular webinar in 2023 - Group v Retail Income Protection

Back again by popular demand this year, Adam Crabbe, Risk Specialist, delivered an updated edition showcasing the differences between group and retail policies in the new world.

You can watch this popular webinar on _ZONE Education.


CPD article: Adviser briefing - the future of client-centric life underwriting

There is a transformation taking place in life insurance underwriting, and the potential implications for the customer experience and advice process are big. Examine the megatrends being harnessed to transform not just underwriting processes, but the entire 21st century life insurance client experience.

Read more about the future of client-centric life underwriting.


Helping customers with cover affordability - control your cover

Having Life insurance represents our promise to be there for our customers when it matters most. It is important they understand the ins and outs of their cover and how to alter it to keep up with their life changes.

Take a look at 'control your cover' for our customers.


Podcast - The power of showing up 

A podcast by 'Raise' with one focus – youth matters. Raise shares mentoring expertise and insights from experts, offering guidance for understanding and supporting teenagers in your life.



Looking after your health during a bushfire

Explore vital bushfire preparedness tips on staying resilient in the face of bushfires. With added support for our customers, find out how they can stay informed and be prepared.

Read more about looking after your health during a bushfire.


LiveWell by Zurich, available for OnePath customers 

 An innovative health app rewarding customers with points redeemable for discounts. Set goals, gain wellbeing knowledge, and connect to wearables for a holistic health journey.

Read more about LiveWell by Zurich.


Business operating hours

To ensure you can access support, our New Business, Underwriting and Adviser Services teams will be working throughout the holiday season, with some changes to operating hours.

Read more about opening hour during holiday season.


Reflecting on the innovative health tech of 2023

From mental health AI chatbots to redefining cancer management, the past year has been a whirlwind of innovation in the healthcare industry.

Have a look at our latest article for a comprehensive guide to the health innovations of 2023.

9 November 2023

November's note from Kieran Forde

We have recently re-organised our business into three core customer segments being Retail, Group & General Insurance. Within our Retail segment we have pulled together the key parts of our business that impact the service we provide to our adviser partners. This adviser facing team includes; Sales, Underwriting, Case Management, Product and Pricing, and our Adviser Service teams, it also includes technology focused resources to help us continually improve our services to you. Claims is an enterprise-wide capability (sitting across the above three customer segments) and remains closely connected to our new adviser team.  

To enable these changes to occur, there have also been changes to some individual roles internally: 

  • Nathan Taggart has moved into our business wide strategy team, this is a great career move for Nathan, he will bring a strong market focus to the strategy function, and I look forward to continuing to work closely with him. Our four Regional Managers; Vilma Attanasio (WA & SA), Matt Backman (VIC), Reece Foster (QLD) & Rob McNeill (NSW) remain unchanged and lead our local BDM teams.  
  • Tim Kane moves into a newly created role and leads our underwriting teams nationally. Tim is supported by four regional underwriting leaders; Leigh O’Malley (WA & SA), Elizabeth Burke (VIC), Karl Bird (QLD) & Alice Swain (NSW). Peter Tilocca our previous Chief Underwriting Officer is leaving the business, we’d like to thank Peter for his significant contribution to the success of the company and we wish him well.  
  • Jayne Edwards moves into a newly created role and leads our new business Case Management teams nationally. Jayne is supported by three regional case management leaders; Harry Bohl (WA & SA & Victoria), Tamara Santjohanser (QLD) and Catherine Pestana (NSW). 

Our Sales, Underwriting & Case Management teams are working closely together to align adviser panels and ensure you all have the right contacts in place locally to provide the new business support you need. 

  • Tim Atley takes on an expanded role, in addition to being responsible for our key licensee relationships, Tim’s team is also in charge of our in-market activity and adviser education programme delivered via our ZONE platform.  
  • Tina Beilby is caretaking our Adviser Care teams who provide phone-based service to advisers (including Service One), looking after any manual quote calculations and all commission related work.  
  • Ioana Logan (Zurich) & KV Ho (OnePath) are overseeing the work of our product, proposition and pricing teams do. 

The team of people above are committed to our Adviser team mission, which is “To be Australia’s leading insurer, that advisers trust, recommend and find the easiest to do business with”. You will ultimately be the judge of how we progress towards this mission. As always, we are keen to hear your feedback and are committed to keep improving what we do and how we do it.  

The Adviser Portal, keeps getting better 

Our adviser portal is better than ever before. With new and improved digital capabilities and a range of self-service functionality, we are helping make your business more efficient. 
You can get up to date with all of our recent enhancements by visiting our dedicated portal pages > I

See the latest enhancements on inforce quoting capabilities here.

Unfair Contract Terms: Continually removing ambiguity and ensuring greater transparency in our policies 

It is our responsibility to ensure you and our customers have complete confidence that their policy will protect them, as it is trusted to, at difficult times. With this in mind we have made further efforts to remove ambiguity and ensure greater transparency in relation to certain policy terms and definitions.  
Some of the changes we have implemented include the removal of, or updated wording to remove subjectivity and provide better clarity, making it easier to understand the terms of your cover with us.  
While the changes have been made to provide better transparency to our customers, if they are inadvertently disadvantaged by any of the changes, the previous wording in the PDS will apply.  
The changes will be effective for policies issued from 9 November 2023. 
The updated terms can be found on our website by clicking the below links:  

Do you need to take any action?  

No action is required, however if you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact your BDM.  

I look forward to catching up with at the FAAA Congress in a few weeks. And as always, thank you for your continued support. 



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



_ZONE Education: Cyber Security Awareness

In an age where cyber security incidents are increasing in frequency and severity, how do you best protect your clients’ personal and sensitive information? 
This webinar will demystify complex cyber security jargon and offer practical insights to put your clients' minds at ease. Learn how to create Cyber Incident Response Plans (CRIPS) and enhance your cyber security preparedness.



CPD article: Responsible underwriting, creating trust, affordability, and claims confidence

Explore the evolution of responsible underwriting, from a purely inwardly focused risk management process to an externally focused process that is transparent, socially aware, adaptive, and sensitive to evolving community expectations. Gain an understanding of how underwriting processes are changing, and how these changes might improve the stability and affordability of premiums, and ultimately improve community trust in life insurers.


My Wellbeing Hub: Be 'Breast Aware' and Stay Informed

Sadly, every 14 seconds a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. We know that early detection can improve treatment outcomes. It’s now time to get “breast aware” - it could save you or a loved ones life. We’ve partnered with Osara Health to provide you with tips and advice to ensure you’re spotting the signs and help make any necessary changes to reduce your risk. 

Read article on My Wellbeing Hub


LiveWell by Zurich: Available for Zurich and OnePath customers

We're proud to offer LiveWell by Zurich, an innovative health and wellbeing app that rewards customers with points for positive health actions and lifestyle changes. LiveWell by Zurich allows customers to set goals, access guided meditation, and monitor their health through wearable devices and fitness apps whilst earning points redeemable for discounts on various categories.

Read more about LiveWell by Zurich

3 October 2023

Welcome to October’s adviser news.  

The expertise and support you are providing to customers at the moment is incredibly valuable. As we face into the rising cost of living, we want to make sure you have the right tools and resources to improve customers' total wellbeing and help reduce financial stress and worry, which we know can lead to health issues.  

To help you help your customers, we are making LiveWell and Loving Life, more accessible to our existing Zurich and OnePath customers. You can read more about this important offering here

Our Adviser Guides are now digital 

I am also very pleased to announce that our Adviser Guides are now available online through The Adviser Portal. Not only are they more accessible, but they have also been redesigned to be more useable and searchable for you and your practice. You can now easily find information in just a few clicks. 

You can find the digital adviser guides through  The Adviser Portal > Tools & Resources or by clicking the following links Zurich Adviser Guide, OneCare Adviser Guide

We're committed to continuously improving our platforms and becoming easier to do business with. Don’t forget to visit and to get up to date with all of our recent enhancements.    

Target Market Determinations  

Ensuring our financial products are designed for, and distributed to, the right people remains paramount. We have recently made some updates to the Target Market Determinations (TMDs) for our retail insurance products, OneCare, Wealth Protection and Active: 

  • We’ve structured the document in a clearer way making it easier to understand; 

  • We’ve described when cover may and may not be suitable to help better define the target market; 

  • We’ve articulated the value of the product to consumers, and provided additional information on eligibility, premium structures and key limitations of the product; 

  • We’ve updated the conditions and restrictions on distribution, to provide distributors with clearer and parameters. 


Distributors are required to consider the TMDs for products they distribute. You can view a copy of our TMD’s by visiting or If you have any questions regarding the updates to the TMDs, please reach out to your Business Development Manager.  

Thank you for your support and all the hard work you are doing for our mutual customers. Enjoy spring and the warmer weather to come.  



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



LiveWell by Zurich, available for Zurich and OnePath customers

We’re proud to provide our customers with LiveWell by Zurich, an innovative health and wellbeing app. LiveWell motivates and rewards customers with points that they can redeem on discounts while they're investing positive energy on their health and wellbeing journey. 
Customers can set health goals, build wellbeing knowledge, take guided meditation classes, and monitor their health while connected to wearable devices and popular fitness apps, including Strava, Garmin, Apple Health and Fitbit. 
Every step customers take or change they make to their lifestyle, gives them more points earning potential to use in our rewards store for discounts on sport, wellness, travel, culture, home, tech and much more.

Visit LiveWell by Zurich


Experience the new digital Adviser Guides today

Bringing you greater simplicity and convenience, our easy-to-use adviser guides means the information you need is now just a few clicks away, while hyperlinks take you straight to supporting materials like forms and educational ‘how to’ videos. Experience the new digital adviser guides today by going to >>The Adviser Portal > Tools & Resources.

Visit The Adviser Portal


Ethics series on _ZONE Education

Navigating challenging ethical scenarios has long been a part of providing financial advice. From client consent to managing conflicts of interest, financial advisers have always needed a strong ethical compass. In collaboration with Tangelo Advice Consulting, watch this four-part webinar series examining the important role ethics plays in how you provide advice and run your business.

Visit Zone Education


Feeding your mind: The link between food and mood

The connection between diet and mental health has gained considerable interest in recent years, with research suggesting that our diet can significantly impact our psychological wellbeing. The concept of ‘mood food’ has even developed into a recognised academic field known as ‘nutritional psychiatry.’

Read article on My Wellbeing Hub

11 August 2023

Welcome to the August edition of Adviser News

Amidst the ongoing challenge of rising living costs, I want to extend a big thank you for your continued dedication to your clients. Ensuring they feel protected and supported is paramount. I encourage you to reach out if you would like help with any affordability tools, resources, and guidance you may need. 
With so much focus and stress now on Australian expenditure, demand for advice is stronger than ever. Zurich remains optimistic about the outlook for advice and supports the Government in working towards improving the quality, accessibility and affordability of advice. We are committed to innovating and investing in our digital capabilities to improve the way you interact with insurance providers 

To this point, I would like to reinforce the strength of our adviser portal and our ongoing improvements to its functionality, enhancing your efficiency. You can see the latest enhancements here > The Adviser Portal
In this edition of Zurich and OnePath Adviser News you can read about;   

  • Our commitment to claims - hear from our OnePath customers and partners 

  • Zurich Wealth Protection - watch our video explaining the benefits it can provide to your clients  

  • Our Impact by numbers - have a look at the positive impact Zurich is making  

  • Health and wellbeing - How to empower your business and your health 

  • Investments – market update  

  • The Adviser Portal - latest Change of Ownership enhancements 

  • EOFY – Information for you and your clients 

  • Zurich Evolve - Making life better for everyone 

As always, thank you for your continued partnership, I hope you enjoy this month's edition.  


Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Zurich's Impact

For more than 100 years, Zurich has combined global strength with local care to protect individuals, small business, mid-sized and large companies, as well as multinational corporations across Australia & New Zealand, all bound by our purpose to 'create a brighter future together'. Have a look at the impact Zurich is making.

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Hear from our customers and partners

Last year, OnePath paid over $611 million in life insurance claims to 4,729 customers and their families when they needed us most. Visit our dedicated claims page and hear from our OnePath customers and partners tell their claims stories.

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The Adviser Portal - Change of Ownership scenario enhancements

We are continuing to invest in our adviser portal functionality. Our latest Change of Ownership scenario enhancements allow for greater digital efficiency with changes to our online application and submission processes

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End of financial year statements 2022-2023

We are working hard to ensure your clients receive their 2022-2023 end of financial year documents. We expect all customers to be sent their documents by the end of August. If you have any questions, please reach out to your BDM.

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Empower your business and your health

Starting and running a small-medium business can be both rewarding and challenging, and it's easy to get caught up in the demands of work and neglect your health. Finding ways to make your health a priority can empower both your business and your wellbeing. Here are some strategies to help you build a successful business without compromising your health.

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22 June 2023

Welcome to the June edition of Adviser News

Hi everyone! Many of your clients would be feeling the pinch from the rising cost of living here in Australia. We are committed to providing financial protection should something happen, you can read through how we have helped thousands of families below. We also remain committed to providing your clients the support they need to help them navigate through this changing economy and to meet their changing lifestyle needs. We have a range of affordability options and resources available here. 

Count on us to protect what matters most

Last year alone, we paid over $1.30 billion in life insurance claims to 11,813 customers across Zurich and OnePath. If you want to delve into the details, we have our digital claims insights available online here > ZurichOnePath, which include statistics, customer stories, rehabilitation, return-to-work services and claim trends from our in-house medical experts.  

Introducing our Chief Claims Officer, Matt Paterson

We are pleased to welcome our new Australia and New Zealand Chief Claims Officer, Matt Paterson. Matt has extensive experience in managing claims, operations, and customer value. Read Matt's note speaking to our commitment to claims.  

Quality of Advice review 

Zurich welcomes the Government’s response to the Quality of Advice Review and its commitment to prioritise reforms designed to remove inefficient regulation and documentation requirements on financial advisers.  

We look forward to working with the Government as it consults on subsequent streams of reform, including expanding access to quality and affordable advice beyond the superannuation sector. 

Upcoming changes to the Life Insurance Code of Practice

Zurich is dedicated to upholding industry standards as we transition our industry association membership from the Financial Services Council to the Council of Australian Life Insurers.  

Our aim is to ensure that when our customers take out life insurance, they receive the highest standards of service in all their interactions with us. Effective from July 1, 2023, the New Life Code will introduce important consumer protections covering every aspect of customer interaction. It will also provide enhanced safeguards for customers facing vulnerability, financial hardship, or experiencing a mental health condition. Click here for more information. 

Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Count on us to protect what matters most

We truly understand the significance of paying a claim and the impact it has on supporting our customers financially, emotionally and mentally when they are facing difficult times. We are proud of the care and empathy we provide to every customer, with an unwavering focus towards their unique needs and providing them with the support they deserve.

Last year we supported 11,813 customers and their families when they needed us most. Take a look at the claims we paid and customer insights.

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Working together to protect health with Zurich Evolve

We are excited to launch Zurich Evolve, our new proposition committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of your clients at any stage. Quality advice plays a crucial role in the wellness journey and together we can contribute to the creation of healthier lives. Visit Zurich Evolve to access valuable resources and discover how we go beyond insurance coverage to deliver added value to your clients.

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Return to health and work support guides

Every health journey is unique and there may be times your clients need some extra support. Our carefully selected support services are available to customers on claim at no additional cost and tailored to help them reach their health goals. Have a look at our updated return to health and work support guides for your clients.

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We are here to help your clients - the rising cost of living

We understand the significant impact that rising living costs can have on your clients and their families. Their financial protection and peace of mind remain our top priorities and we want to assure you that we are here to protect your clients and remain committed to providing the support they need to navigate through these challenges.

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New Life Insurance Code of Practice (2.0)

Our aim is to ensure that when our customers take out life insurance, they receive the highest standards of service in all their interactions with us. Effective from July 1, 2023, the New Life Code will introduce important consumer protections covering every aspect of customer interaction. 

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1 May 2023

Welcome to the May edition of Adviser News

We have a lot of exciting initiatives to share with you as we move into the second quarter. First and foremost, on behalf of the team we wanted to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership. We continue to listen closely to your feedback and have aligned our teams to ensure we continue to improve our services to you and your customers.   

You may already have received an invitation to our Advice in Motion in-person events, and we hope you can join us. It's going to be a fantastic event with the opportunity to hear from and network with our CEO Justin Delaney, as well as gain valuable insights from industry experts and leaders. We can't wait to see you there – places are limited and if you haven't registered yet, you can do so by clicking the link here: Advice in Motion events

We also want to take a moment to celebrate the recent merger of the AFA and FPA to become the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA). We believe that this merger will provide a stronger and more aligned voice for financial advisers in the Australian market and ensure better outcomes for you and your customers.  

Speaking of which, it was such an honour to have been awarded the 2022 Claims Team of the Year by Beddoes Institute and the new FAAA at the recent Life Company of the Year Awards. We take great pride in paying claims promptly and with empathy, and it's fantastic to see our team's hard work being recognised within the industry. You can read more about the awards here. 

Our latest educational Practice Transformation Series has been a huge success, with over 500 virtual attendees across the series. If you missed out, don't worry – you can still catch up by watching all the sessions On-Demand with CPD accreditation here: _ZONE Education Practice Transformation Series.

Thank you again for your continued support and partnership – we very much value the relationship we have with you. 

Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



The Adviser Portal continues to deliver greater efficiency: Change of Ownership 

We have made further upgrades to The Adviser Portal to deliver greater efficiency for you and your practice staff. 

Our Change of Ownership functionality now includes more scenarios, allowing you to submit your OneCare requests digitally and eliminating the need for paper submissions for these scenarios. 

Learn more about these upgrades > _Zone Education Webinar

Find out what else is new > The Adviser Portal


Justin Delaney sits down with Insurance News

Sitting down with Insurance News, Justin Delaney revealed the benefits of being Australia’s only major composite insurer and what he sees as the biggest opportunities ahead. He also spoke to key issues affecting the industry, including the Quality of Advice Review, objective of superannuation legislation, the general insurance market and impacts of extreme weather and climate change. 

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Advice in Motion in-person events

You may already have received an invitation to our Advice in Motion in-person events, and we hope you can join us. It's going to be a fantastic event with the opportunity to hear from and network with our CEO Justin Delaney, as well as gain valuable insights from industry experts and leaders. We can't wait to see you there – places are limited and if you haven't registered yet, you can do so by clicking the link.

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Sally Phillips shares her plans for Health Services at Zurich

Sally leads the delivery of integrated health services to our customers and members, with a focus on the whole health journey across physical, mental, financial and social wellbeing. Sally shares her plans for Health Services at Zurich, what’s driven her career within the health sector plus more.

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Zurich Innovation Championship - Aussie winner announced

Australian start-up ‘Kanopi has won the Australian round of the Zurich Global Innovation Championship for its innovative customer-facing software platform designed to empower insurers and their customers.

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New Adviser education partnership with Ensombl

We’re excited to partner with Ensombl to bring you their latest Engine Room Podcasts. Curated specifically for practice owners & support staff looking for hyper-relevant topics and discussions to help their businesses. Listen to their latest episodes today.

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10 March 2023

I remain optimistic about the outlook for Advice, the need has not gone away, demand is stronger than ever, the investment in advice technology continues at pace and the next set of regulatory changes are likely to be more positive for advisers.

We value our strong and enduring partnership with you and we’re committed to look for ways to better serve you, protect your clients, and strengthen our commitment to advice. We are aiming to be progressively easier to do business with and you will continue to see positive changes from us to help you spend more time with customers.

Recently we welcomed the successful vote by members to merge the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) and the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA). This is an important milestone for the industry and creates the opportunity to more quickly and cohesively agree on issues and opportunities that impact the advice industry and provides a single strong voice to advocate for the important work advisers do. 

There is much to like about the final recommendations outlined in the Quality of Advice Review paper. In particular the recommendations to simplify adviser processes (SOA’s, disclosure processes and safe harbour steps) and retain commissions are positive developments. We look forward to the Government’s positive response to these recommendations. 

I would like to offer my condolences to those who have been impacted by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and to those customers affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland Floods. Our Z Zurich Foundation is supporting a number of community fundraiser initiatives during these challenging times. You can find out more information on this via our Z Zurich Foundation Linkedin page.

This year we are continuing to invest in our technology capabilities to give valuable time back to advisers and support staff. We have very recently released further enhancements so that you can now request to change the ownership for some OneCare policies from Ordinary to OneCare Super via The Adviser Portal – cutting out manual processes and valuable time. This is another win for efficiency and one of many to come. For more information on the policies and scenarios this can be applied to, please reach out to your BDM.

We want to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the industry with education and training resources available to you at any time. Our team of experts have been hard at work to build out the latest research and insights. Our first _ZONE Education webinar series ‘Practice Transformation’ kicks off this month and I hope you can join us. The series will cover some of the most topical areas of running a modern advice practice. For information on the content we will cover and to register you can go to > _ZONE Education Practice Transformation Series

I look forward to partnering with you this year, together we can help more customers get the protection they need.

Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



_ZONE Education: Practice Transformation webinar series

Join us for our latest _ZONE Education CPD webinar series 'Practice Transformation'. We will cover some of the most topical areas of running a modern advice practice, including the benefits of a cross-border advice team, how to nurture the next generation of advisers on their professional journey, digitising your advice process for ultimate efficiency, the business insurance opportunity and how to charge for risk advice. 
Across six sessions, you will hear from a combination of Zurich and industry experts, who will provide you with practical solutions to help you adapt your business to meet the demands of today’s life insurance world. 
CPD is available for the following webinars:

  • Why a cross-border team is an advice opportunity

  • Supercharge your Practice: Proven Strategies to boost your productivity & streamline your business

  • How to win in the tightest labour market in history 

  • To fee or not to fee: how advisers are charging for risk advice

  • Group vs Retail Income Protection

  • Business Protection Strategies

Register today


CPD article: Practical ways to build a sustainable risk advice proposition in a post-QAR world 

We have partnered with AdviserVoice to bring you this latest CPD article exploring the practical ways financial advisers can deliver life insurance advice on a more sustainable basis, within the context of recommendations contained within the QAR report.

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Supporting the next generation of financial professionals

We are a proud supporter of Striver, who are dedicated to helping graduates find roles in the financial advice and accounting industries, and providing ongoing professional development opportunities. Find out how we are continuing to strengthen our commitment to advice and the next generation of financial professionals.

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The Adviser Portal: Latest upgrades

We have made more improvements to the functionality of The Adviser Portal with a focus on enhancing your efficiency. Our recent updates mean that you can now request to change the ownership for some OneCare policies from Ordinary to OneCare Super via The Adviser Portal – cutting out manual processes and saving you valuable time.

Visit The Adviser Portal


Are your clients earning Qantas points?

To ensure your client is getting the most out of their insurance protection, they can earn Qantas points on eligible insurance policies. Find out more today and help your clients earn points today!


Riskinfocus Risk Advice CPD Tour

Don’t miss the upcoming Riskinfocus Risk Advice CPD Tour which we are proud to be a major partner. Find out when the event is coming to your state and how to register below.

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Take a look at our LGBTQ+ Hub, providing educational articles and resources to help make insurance accessible for more people.

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Making a positive impact in community

Monash University study confirms 'Tackle Your Feelings' increases participant’s knowledge of mental health and wellbeing by 30%.

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8 December 2022

Welcome to the final edition of Zurich and OnePath Adviser News for the year.  

I am delivering this update a little differently to close out 2022. The reason being I want to personally acknowledge and thank you for your partnership this year.  

You can watch my update by clicking on the video.


OnePath introduces LiveWell by Zurich

Tomorrow OnePath Rewards will be replaced with our new global wellness app, LiveWell. Through relevant and engaging experiences, LiveWell makes the path to better health more rewarding through the accumulation of health points which can be redeemed using our new rewards store. Find out the important changes for your clients who currently use OnePath Rewards


The Adviser Portal

Our easy to use, powerful solution to help you grow and manage your advice business with confidence. Watch our latest video demonstrating how the portal is Intelligent, intuitive and seamless.

Watch video


‘When was your last health check?

We’ve partnered with CancerAid to offer you and your clients ‘Aware’, a short 2-minute digital questionnaire to help you understand government-funded cancer screening programs and tips to reduce risks. Feel free to share with your clients and give them the gift of health this holiday season.

Take questionnaire


EOFY information

Visit our OnePath Resource Hub to find out all the information you need to support you and your clients with their 2021-2022 OnePath Annual Statements.

Read more


New LGBTQ+ Hub

We are excited to introduce our new LGBTQ+ Hub, educational articles and resources to help improve your life and wellbeing. 

Visit LGBTQ+ Hub


We planted 4432 trees this year! 

This year we have removed 1,000 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere. Read about the Widgewah Conservation Sactuary project where our trees have been planted.


Family fun…without breaking the bank  

You don’t have to spend much money to keep little kids entertained. Here are a few ideas


12 days of holiday health

Enjoying a healthy holiday season can be easier than you think. Try these 12 simple gestures to avoid holiday burnout.

25 October 2022

Welcome to the October edition of Zurich and OnePath adviser news.

It’s been great to connect face to face with many of you across the country recently, whether it be at Zurich roadshow events, in your practices or at industry conferences.  The passion and enthusiasm shown by the wider advice community to drive positive outcomes for customers and the industry is inspiring.

2022 AFA Adviser of the Year Award

Congratulations to Felicity Cooper from Cooper Wealth Management who was announced the winner of the 2022 AFA Adviser of the Year Award at the recent AFA Thrive Conference. This award celebrates the very best individuals in advice, and we are proud to have sponsored the award since its inception 18 years ago. Felicity is such a great ambassador for the advice industry and we wish her well.

A year of new IDII products, what we have learnt

12 months ago, the industry entered a new era of income protection solutions designed to create a more stable and sustainable future. The Zurich & OnePath income protection offers remain the same as what they were at launch and have been very well supported across the market.

Our income protection products offer features and flexibility to suit all occupations. They provide certainty, flexibility and confidence for both you and your client, features including;

  • Benefit periods up to the age 65 years old - replacing income for as long as it is important, in most cases this is to retirement age.
  • One simple ‘own occupation’ definition of total disability for the first two years of claim, then any suitable occupation thereafter.
  • An insurable amount of up to 70% of income, for duration of claim (offsets may still apply).
  • Tailored rehabilitation and return to work support

You can see a full list of our current product features here.

Our guiding principles that underpin our product design remain important and consistent:

  • Work is good for you, supporting your mental health and wellbeing
  • Returning to health is a unique journey for every claimant
  • We pay genuine claims, meeting community expectations
  • Removing complexity, improves understanding and administration

We have designed our products with the future in mind, with a focus on simple product design, and more sustainable pricing. Which means confidence for you, and your client.

Latest efficiency enhancements

We have been working closely with our advice partners and listening to your feedback - we are excited to share with you several recent enhancements to The Adviser Portal that are now available across applications, quoting and client management. For a full list of enhancements go to our dedicated portal page.

You will be able to do even more via the portal with a number of efficiency enhancements being released over the coming months, which I look forward to sharing with you as they drop.

As 2022 edges closer to the finish line, a big thank you from the entire Zurich and OnePath distribution team for your partnership and support this year.




Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Information for our customers affected by VIC, TAS and NSW floods

With ongoing severe rain and flooding in parts of Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales, we are working hard to support our customers and respond as quickly as possible. We also want to acknowledge the amazing work of our customers who are volunteering their time and missing out on income as a result of this natural disaster, through further support.

To find out what we are offering to support, including premium support and how to claim, click here.


Latest efficiency enhancements to The Adviser Portal

You can now save time with the ability to reinstate your clients' life insurance policy without requiring additional underwriting, self-service better with improved alteration quoting capabilities, have greater oversight of your applications in progress with SMS notifications + more. Visit our OnePath adviser portal page to get up to date with the latest efficiency enhancements.

Visit The Adviser Portal


Increases to indexation

With rising inflation rates in Australia, this is a timely reminder that most Zurich and OnePath’s’ advised products offer indexation increases based on CPI rate as an automatic inclusion at the client’s policy anniversary.

With CPI on the rise, clients who take no action may experience a higher percentage increase than expected especially where they have stepped premiums and will have premium also increase as they are a year older. For those with indemnity Income Protection, it may mean they are insured for more than they are eligible to claim (75% of income on older products, 70% on the current on sale products) if they accept the offer.

As acceptance of the increase is optional, we appreciate your clients may have some questions - information is available to assist you in having this conversation through your BDM.


OneCare Income Secure Protection

It’s never been more important to discuss income protection - our OneCare Income Protection Secure provides certainty and sustainability for your clients. Watch our video and visit our dedicated income protection web page to view it's features and benefits.

Read more


EOFY information

Visit our OnePath Resource Hub to find out all the information you need to support you and your clients with their 2021-2022 OnePath Annual Statements.

Read more


Real Men Can Talk 

Hosted by men, for men. Watch the latest webinar by Zurich and Mr. Perfect on how to support your own mental wellbeing as well as others.

Watch webinar.


Building resilience and supporting your leadership superpowers

Sally Phillips, our Head of Health Services caught up with Daisy Pearce, Captain of the Melbourne Demons AFL Women’s team for a special wellbeing webinar as part of Mental Health Month. Leveraging off her experience as a leader of a high-performing team, Daisy discussed how you can take care of your mental health and support those around you.

Watch Webinar


16 September 2022

Welcome to the September edition of Zurich and OnePath Adviser News. I hope to connect with many of you at the AFA National Conference next week in the Gold Coast where we are one of the major partners. The conference has always been a wonderful opportunity to network with our peers, enjoy the social events on offer and the speaker line-up this year will have us all inspired to finish the year off strongly. Tickets are available here.

In partnership with the AFA, we will also be awarding the winner of the 2022 Adviser of the Year. As a long-term partner of this prestigious award, the award recognises and celebrates the talented individuals who drive positive change through their leadership, innovation, customer-centricity and commitment to professional excellence and financial literacy. As a judge on this program for the first time, seeing such a high calibre of advisers, it makes me proud to be a part of an industry that does so much good for individuals and the broader community. I would like to thank all advisers who sent in their applications and who made it through to the next rounds.

2022 AFA Adviser of the Year Finalists

Charles Badenach - Main Street Financial Solutions
Felicity Cooper - Cooper Wealth Management
Joseph Hoe - Wealthwise

As we continue to innovate and enhance our digital capabilities, we will be making new improvements to our quote and application functionality available via The Adviser Portal. These improvements are our commitment to meet the efficiency demands of modern advice practices. For a list of the latest enhancements and the Adviser Portals full capabilities, head to our Adviser Portal homepage.

Finally, as I touched on last month, we made a submission to the Treasury’s Quality of Advice Review. You can find a copy of our submission here.

We will continue to engage with industry stakeholders on the Review. We led industry research in support of LIF in the form of the CALI whitepaper and met with the independent Chair in June this year. With the final report due in December 2022, we will continue to advocate for the value of advice and access for more Australians.




Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer

12 August 2022

Welcome to the August edition of Zurich and OnePath Adviser News

The Adviser Portal - Intelligent, intuitive and seamless.

As we continue to innovate and build our digital capabilities, we want to reinforce the strength of our adviser portal. All with one simple sign-on, The Adviser Portal gives you access to two leading insurance brands with three highly sought-after products, underpinned by two powerful underwriting engines – providing greater choice, efficiency and making it easier for you to do business with us and perform at your best.

The below table summarises the key functions you can perform via The Adviser PortaI. I encourage you to also visit our newly revamped portal pages which details all of the key benefits, features and latest enhancements.

 Visit The Adviser Portal


AFA & Zurich Adviser of The Year Award - applications are closing!

The AFA & Zurich Adviser of the Year Award has returned for its seventeenth year and we are pleased to be a partner. This award recognises outstanding individuals and celebrates qualities of leadership, innovation, customer-centricity and commitment to professional excellence. Zurich is known for its longstanding commitment to high quality advice and this is just one of the ways we can ensure we support the profession, recognise the talent of these individuals and the positive contribution they make to the financial advice profession and broader financial services industry

Applications close 6pm, Monday 15 August, click through for more details on how you can submit your application or nominate an outstanding individual > Adviser of The Year Award

XY Adviser & Zurich joint Partnership

This week the XY Adviser team released a thought leadership piece in conjunction with Zurich & _Zone Education. This report reinforces the growing demand for financial advice and specifically the role that risk management will play against the economic backdrop. Importantly, it establishes best practice around the use of soft selling skills and confidence when selling life insurance to consumers. I am sure you will find some very tangible takeaways to apply to you and your business. You can read the report here > XY Adviser Report

Transfer of the OnePath Life Limited life insurance business to Zurich Australia Limited

The transfer of OnePath Life Limited’s life insurance business to Zurich Australia Limited by Scheme under Part 9 of the Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth) was confirmed by the Federal Court of Australia on 6 July and became effective as of 1 August. The journey could not have happened without your partnership of both our OnePath and Zurich propositions, we thank you for your support.

As previously communicated, the OnePath & Zurich brands, the policy terms and conditions and key features of your clients’ policies will remain unchanged. 

Click here to read the full update.

Demonstrating our support of advice

Recently Zurich made its submission to the Treasury’s Quality of Advice Review. You can find a copy of our submission HERE. The Quality of Advice review findings will be handed down in December, it’s a very important time for the advice industry following many years of disruption. We have high hopes that this review will deliver sensible outcomes and help make advice more accessible for Australians.

As always, thank you for your ongoing partnership. Together we are making a difference.




Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Adviser insights to strengthen your risk advice  proposition

Read the latest thought leadership produced by XY Adviser reinforcing the growing demand for financial advice and the role that risk management will play against the economic backdrop. These key insights and resources bring you some of the industries leading risk specialists to help you strengthen your advice proposition. Read ‘Life Confidence’


The Adviser Portal: Latest enhancements

With the latest enhancements to the self-service capabilities of The Adviser Portal, such as; the ability to submit new rollover details without needing to submit a completed rollover form -  you can perform at your best when supporting your clients. Get up to date with the latest enhancements. Visit The Adviser Portal


CPD: Adviser briefing – genetic testing in life insurance

We are proud partners of Adviser Voice. Read their latest CPD article: Adviser briefing – genetic testing in life insurance. Read article


Health and wellbeing: Staying healthy during times of financial uncertainty

Our financial health is a key piece to our overall wellbeing. If money concerns grow, it can impact our whole health. There are strong links between our financial wellness and our physical, mental and social health too. Read more


9 June 2022

Welcome to the June edition of Zurich and OnePath Adviser News

In the first half of April we reached a major milestone when all OnePath retail customers were migrated onto Zurich systems. This now means we have one core insurance platform and one digital portal infrastructure for our Zurich & OnePath customers. This significantly simplifies our IT infrastructure and puts us in a great position to continue to improve services to you and your clients.

We do however want to acknowledge that the migration did result in a number of defects and issues (mainly for those of you with OnePath customers) and I want to apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused and sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding while these defects and issues have been progressively worked through and fixed. 

Majority of issues have now been fixed and I want to assure you that the remaining issues are well understood and will be fixed over the next few weeks. We anticipate our call centres will remain under pressure in June and will then start to normalise. We aim to provide the very best service in the market and this is our number one priority. 

The Adviser Portal: Continuous improvements and functionality

As part of our ambition to provide the very best service in the market and continually improve advice efficiencies, we are adding enhancements and functionality to The Adviser Portal. I am pleased to inform you earlier this week we launched a number of new enhancements which will significantly increase your efficiency and make it easier to do business with us. We have more enhancements planned in the weeks and months ahead and will keep you informed as these come on stream. 

See the latest enhancements here

Sharing the stories that make all the difference

At Zurich we understand that life insurance is a promise. We strive to honour that promise and make a real difference to the lives of our customers and their loved ones during challenging times. We recently filmed our claims team about their experiences helping customers at claim time. They reinforce the great work our claims teams do every day and the dedication and support they provide to your customers. Watch our short stories and be inspired by the impact we collectively have as we protect our customers every day. 

Watch OnePath claims stories

Thanks again for your ongoing support. We are committed to providing the very best service to you and you can be assured we will continue to invest in both of our Zurich & OnePath propositions for your benefit and the benefit of our customers. 



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



The Adviser Portal: Latest enhancements

Thank you for your ongoing support as we completed the transfer of all OneCare products and policies from ANZ systems to Zurich. Due to the size and complexity of the integration, there have been some challenges along the way and I would like to acknowledge your flexibility during this period.

Learn more here


_ZONE Education: Step inside the world of underwriting

Join us this month as we step inside the world of underwriting. Hear from some of our most experienced life insurance minds about how we evaluate risk, what we can do to streamline the underwriting process, and how you can improve your conversion rate. This six-part series is perfectly timed to help you meet any outstanding CPD requirements and is available on-demand to watch at a time that suits you.



Partner with us to improve our customer data

Being a responsible and sustainable company is core to our values and we continue to look for ways that can help reduce climate risks. By moving to electronic distribution we are reducing our print wastage and working towards our target to be paperless by 2025. In order to achieve this, we need your assistance!

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Health and Wellbeing: When was your last health check?

An unintended consequence of COVID-19 has been that health prevention has taken a back seat for many of us. According to a global health study by PWC, 32% of people reported a delay in preventative visits due to COVID-19.

It’s time to put our health first. The saying 'prevention is better than cure' has been around since the 17th and possibly 13th century according to Oxford and it’s still a fundamental principle of modern health care today. It is better to stop an illness from occurring than it is to treat it after it has happened. It is also cheaper too

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Helping the planet

Food waste is a huge contributor to climate change. We could all help the planet, save money and have healthier diets if we simply stopped wasting our food.

When you throw away leftovers you’re contributing to climate change. Which means every time you decide to save leftovers to eat another time, you’re playing your part when it comes to saving the planet. If we all stop wasting food, which isn’t beyond the bounds of possibility, we could cut greenhouse gas emissions by around 8 to 10 percent.

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6 May 2022

Welcome to the May edition of Adviser News

I hope you managed to enjoy some time off with family and friends during the Easter / ANZAC period, it’s hard to believe we are coming up to the halfway point of 2022, the year is flying by.

As we communicated throughout April, we have recently completed the transfer of all OnePath policy records to our Zurich systems – a significant milestone for us and our partners. Having all Zurich & OnePath life insurance customer data and records on one platform means that we are much better placed to improve our services to you and that is what we are 100% focused on doing.   

By consolidating our systems, we will be making it easier for you to do business with us. We are now offering access to all Quotes and Applications, Pre-assessments, Client management and Claim services plus more for both brands, on a single online location and login, via The Adviser Portal (which also gives you access to _ZONE Education). We have a significant upgrade to The Adviser Portal happening on 6 June which will add functionality and more upgrades occurring over the subsequent 3 months.

Our project team remains in place and on the OnePath side we have a list of issues and improvements that the team is methodically working its way through to resolve and implement. We would like to thank you very much for your patience and understanding as we bed down these remaining integration activities.  

We have set up guided responses to frequently asked questions within the portal that can help you resolve your query quickly. As always, you can also reach out to your Business Development Manager if you require further help or direction.  

I am extremely proud that both Zurich and OnePath were recently recognised as market leaders in two high calibre industry awards. Thank you to all our partners who voted for us, as this is always a great reminder of the hard work, we put in to support our advisers, and champion advice across our industry.

  • Zurich is the proud WINNER for Most Consistent Retail Life Insurer at the inaugural Adviser Choice awards by Adviser Ratings.
  • OnePath, was awarded the prestigious Financial Newswire & DEXX&R 2022 Risk Company of the Year honour as well as the top prize in three categories at the Adviser Choice Risk Awards.

Recently we launched our 2021 claims statistics and customer stories across Zurich and OnePath. The dedication our claims teams put in behind the scenes to treat every customer with total care and empathy when they are most vulnerable is something we take a lot of pride in. Please take a look at the claims we paid in 2021> ZurichOnePath.

Election day is looming and on the 21 of May, we all get to have our say. Whatever the result, both sides of Government, on the face of it at least, seem determined to help improve access to quality advice and significantly reduce the amount of regulatory change we have all experienced over recent years. Whilst this sentiment still has to translate into action, it is very comforting to hear both sides of Government talking about this.

As always, thank you for your continued support. We take your feedback onboard in our decision making and will constantly learn and innovate to support you and your business as we enter a new era of efficiency and customer service for both Zurich and OnePath.



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Improving adviser experience by bringing our solutions under one smart and simple portal.

This week marks some significant milestones for our newly launched quoting, application and client management system, ‘The Adviser Portal’ that we expect to begin driving significant efficiency gains amongst life insurance advisers.

Learn more here


Committed to delivering on the promise we make

In 2021 OnePath paid over $587 million in Life Insurance claims to 4,438 customers, which gives you the confidence that if things go wrong, we will be there. We have built an interactive claims tool which allows you to deep dive into these statistics which you can access by visiting our claims page


Simplifying and improving the systems that support you

With the recent transfer of all OnePath policy records to our systems, all your pre-OneCare, OneCare and Zurich business is accessible to you in a single location, via The Adviser Portal. You can find further information on this transition here or by speaking with your Business Development Manager.


Proposed transfer of the life insurance business of OnePath Life Limited to Zurich Australia Limited

An application has been filed with the Federal Court of Australia (Court) for confirmation of a scheme to transfer the life insurance business of OnePath Life Limited (OnePath Life) to Zurich Australia Limited (Zurich) under Part 9 of the Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth). The confirmation hearing is scheduled for 6 July 2022, subject to change from the Court. 

You will shortly receive communications with further information on what this means for you and your clients. Following this, a communication about the scheme will then be sent to all advised OnePath Life policy owners.  There is no immediate action either you or your clients will need to take.

Learn more here


Health and Wellbeing

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected mental health? We examine five of the most significant impacts and the lessons about mental wellbeing we’ve learnt along the way.

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Last month marked World Immunisation Week. We are reminded now more than ever about the power of vaccines to keep us and the community safe.

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Adviser Education

Watch the latest Trauma insurance webinar on _ZONE Education: Insights into conditions, costs and coverage.

Watch Webinar


7 April 2022

Welcome to the April edition of Adviser News

We hope you are finding it more convenient, getting your Zurich and OnePath news all in one place. We want to provide you with insights across our life insurance products and services, investment updates, plus personal and professional development topics through _Zone Education.

Transition of OneCare polices to Zurich systems

As previously communicated, we are pleased to let you know that the transition of all OneCare products and policies from ANZ systems to Zurich systems is scheduled for this weekend.

This transition represents a significant milestone in our journey, by taking this integrated approach all your pre-OneCare, OneCare and Zurich business will be accessible to you in a single location, via The Adviser Portal.

Please make sure you keep an eye on your emails next week to ensure you don’t miss important communications on how these changes impact you and your teams.

We will continue to action outstanding adviser and customer requests, however some delays might be experienced as we work through our processing freeze period. Additional staff have been hired to assist and we appreciate your patience during this time.

Thank you for enabling us to simplify and improve the systems that support you.

You can find further information on this transition by visiting or by speaking with your Business Development Manager.

Supporting customers affected by the QLD & NSW floods

We have had strong take up of our premium support offers so far and it’s an important reminder that support is available for customers directly impacted by the floods in areas declared a natural disaster, we have a range of support on offer including premium support. Find out more about what we are offering, including how to claim.

Committed to delivering on the promise we make

Last year we paid over $1.28 billion in Life Insurance claims to 12,125 customers and their families across OnePath and Zurich (retail and group life combined). Importantly, we share a commitment to be there for your clients at every point in their health journey. Dr Sally Phillips, Zurich’s Head of Health Services, explains that every journey is unique, and requires personalised care - take some time to read through her article here and view our latest claims statistics and stories.

Reporting complaints and significant dealings

A reminder if you are required to report complaints and significant dealings as per the reporting obligations, you can visit our TMD website and click on the chatbot available.

Dees AFLW team make the Grand Final

A big congratulations to Melbourne’s AFLW team for securing a spot in the 2022 NAB AFLW Grand Final against Adelaide this Saturday 9 April!

The competition is only 5 years old, so this will be the first time Melbourne has made the AFLW Grand Final, and if they take out the win on Saturday, MFC will be the first club in history to hold both the AFL & AFLW Premierships concurrently.

We are proud to be Co-Principal Partner of Melbourne Football Club’s AFL and AFLW teams - the whole team at Zurich will be cheering on the women this Saturday! Go Dees!



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Committed to delivering on the promise we make

We understand that life insurance is a promise. We strive to honour that promise so as to make a real difference to the lives of our customers, and their loved ones during challenging circumstances. Last year we paid over $1.28 billion in Life Insurance claims to 12,125 customers and their families across OnePath and Zurich, which gives you the confidence that if things go wrong, we will be there when it matters most.

Take a look at our latest claims statistics and stories.


We have improved your on-demand learning experience

We have listened to your feedback and are excited to have recently launched a number of enhancements to _ZONE Education. With these changes you will be able to build greater connectivity between modules, personalise your education needs and have easier access to CPD dashboards. 

Enhancements include; 

  • New and improved user experience and design
  • Simpler navigation for event registration and personalised event notifications
  • Ability to access current and past CPD information, including CPD certificates
  • Faster access to The Adviser Portal from within _ZONE, our all-in-one platform for client quotes, applications, renewals, client management, notifications and more
  • Bookmark your favourite content into a personalised content list
  • Smarter organisation of content to help guide your through your learning requirements
  • Request a meeting with your BDM from within _ZONE

When you’re in the _ZONE, every minute matters and we are committed to improving the way we can support you with your professional development. 

Please speak to your BDM if you have any questions.

Visit _Zone Education


Time to check your heart

Our health is our most valuable asset. At the beginning of this year the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt, requested that we focus on getting any health checks that we put aside during the pandemic. He urged for us to attend medical appointments and health checks and follow up on any referrals for blood tests or scans.

Read article


Staying healthy after a flood 

Coping with the aftermaths of a flood can be heartbreaking and take a toll on our total health. When our health is at risk, everything can be impacted. Our overall wellbeing is connected to our mental, physical, social and financial health. Learning to identify signs of stress and ways to cope after a natural disaster is crucial in the rebuild process.

Read article


Zurich and OnePath update

The proposed transfer of the OnePath Life Limited life insurance busines

Following the acquisition of OnePath Life Limited (OnePath Life) from ANZ over two years ago, we have been working hard, with your support, to integrate OnePath Life into the Zurich Group, by amalgamating systems, processes and records into Zurich operations.

The next step in the process involves applying to the Federal Court of Australia (Court) for confirmation of a Scheme to transfer the life insurance business of OnePath Life to Zurich Australia Limited under Part 9 of the Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth). The confirmation hearing is scheduled for 6 July 2022, subject to change from the Court. You will receive further communication on what this means for you and your clients over the coming weeks.



8 March 2022

Welcome to our first edition of Zurich and OnePath Life Adviser News for the year.

It is great to be back underway in 2022, we look forward to partnering with you and supporting you and your clients to the best of our ability in what is hopefully a transformative year for our industry. 

Redesigning our communications

To align with our commitment in having two product brands in market we spent some time redesigning our new combined newsletter. We want to ensure we are delivering important news and insights for each of Zurich and OnePath as well as share the important topics across the wider industry. We hope this new format provides you with broader insights across life, investments, health topics and the industry news. 

Please let your Business Development Manager know if you have any feedback that can help us further improve the ways we communicate with you and your practice.

Supporting customers affected by the QLD & NSW floods

In support of our customers directly impacted by the floods in areas declared a natural disaster, we have a range of support on offer including premium support. We also want to acknowledge the amazing work of our customers who are volunteering their time and missing out on income as a result of this natural disaster, through further support. Find out more about what we are offering, including how to claim.

Strengthening our commitment to advice

At the end of February, we entered an agreement with ANZ to transfer the servicing arrangements of their life insurance advice customers to a new Zurich business to be called Zurich Assure. This follows ANZ’s decision to focus its financial advice services on high net-worth customers through ANZ Private. Zurich Assure will start servicing these customers with existing retail life insurance policies from 29 July 2022. Until then, it’s business as usual for ANZ. 

Our goal in establishing Zurich Assure is to provide continuity of service for existing ANZ life insurance customers.  Zurich Assure will also give us a new opportunity to better support non-advised customers in our existing Zurich and OnePath portfolios.  

We have a long tradition of working in partnership with advisers and dealer groups and our commitment to the external advice market and our adviser and dealer group partners remains unchanged.  Rather, our goal in establishing Zurich Assure is to complement the work of our partners, and not compete with them.   

If you have questions or would like to know more information, please reach out to your BDM.

Introducing Suzi Leung, Chief Claims Officer

I’m delighted to announce that Suzi Leung is the new Life & Investments Chief Claims Officer (CCO). Suzi has a strong claims background, knowledge of the Zurich business and deep relationships that have built locally and internationally and will be a great addition to the Zurich and OnePath life insurance family. Read about more about Suzi’s appointment here

All life insurers are measured on their ability to pay claims quickly and fairly. I am always amazed at the dedication our claims teams put in behind the scenes to treat every customer with total care and empathy when they are most vulnerable.

Last year Zurich and OnePath paid a combined $1.28 Billion in life insurance claims. Keep a look out for a deep dive into these numbers with insights and case studies in the coming weeks.

The Adviser Portal updates

In October last year we successfully completed the important milestone of transitioning pre-OneCare OnePath policies from ANZ systems to our Zurich systems. The next phase of the transition will be the remaining OneCare policies and will occur in the coming months, this will largely complete our journey of combining all policies onto one technology system. Keep a look out for some important communications regarding the specifics of this transition which are designed to minimise any potential impacts on you and your clients.

We remain committed to having two product brands in market and will ensure the transition to one technology platform will have lasting efficiency and experience benefits for your business. By bringing the best of Zurich and OnePath technology suites together under one Adviser Portal, we are making it easier for you to do business with us.

Melbourne Football Club and Zurich strengthen our partnership

As a pioneer for women’s sport and AFLW in Australia for many years, we are thrilled to welcome Daisy Pearce into the Zurich Ambassador family. Daisy is Captain of Melbourne Football Club’s AFLW team, is an award-winning AFL commentator for Channel 7 and SEN, a professional midwife and a mother of two. An inspiring leader both on and off the field, we look forward to working with her.

The Dees are looking to emulate the success the men’s team had in September last year and are off to a flying start to the campaign.

If you would like to know more we will be having an online season kick-off event on Thursday 10 March, 12-1pm which will feature Daisy Pearce, Simon Goodwin and Christian Petracca. Please see the feature article for how to register.

As we look forward into 2022, our team is optimistic and excited to get out and connect with you in ways we haven’t been able to do since pre-pandemic. As we are preparing to begin travelling more frequently, attending larger events, I’m really looking forward to hearing how advice has been reshaped over the past 24 months and sharing best practice insights on how this new hybrid way of operating can have long term benefits for advisers and clients.



Kieran Forde

Chief Distribution Officer



Supporting customers affected by the QLD & NSW floods

In support of our customers directly impacted by the floods in areas declared a natural disaster, we have a range of support on offer including premium support. We also want to acknowledge the amazing work of our customers who are volunteering their time and missing out on income as a result of this natural disaster, through further support.

Find out more about what we are offering, including how to claim.


Watch our short explainer video on OneCare Income Secure Protection

OneCare Income Protection Secure ushers in a new era of certainty, stability, and sustainability in income protection products. Watch our explainer video which will help you gain clarity on the product, it’s benefits and our commitment to your clients when it comes to claim time and supporting them in their journey back to wellness.

Watch video


Supporting customers experiencing vulnerability

A customer experiencing vulnerability is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, has unique needs and is especially susceptible to loss, harm or disadvantage and therefore may need additional support. At OnePath, we are committed to recognising and supporting customers experiencing vulnerability. 

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Looking after your health during a flood

We care about your health. If you or someone you know has been impacted by the recent flooding events, here are some ways to look after your health and stay safe.

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