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February 7 Product Updates
Adviser Information Hub
February 7 Product Updates
Adviser Information Hub
February 7 Product Updates
Adviser Information Hub

Everything you need to know about our product changes from 7 February, 2025
We’ve created this ‘Information Hub’ as a one-stop resource centre to help you understand the changes we have implemented to our products from 7 February 2025. This update delivers improvements to our trauma definitions and underwriting requirements which are outlined below.
Two improvements are being made to trauma definitions. These will apply to new policies and are being passed back to customers who have policies with PDS dated 1 October 2024.
What has changed |
The benefit |
Angioplasty (triple vessel) definition | The definition covers angioplasty of all arteries and their branches |
Cancer (excluding early-stage cancers) definition |
An exclusion for certain thyroid cancers is removed |
Updated versions will be available from 7 February 2025: OneCare PDS | The Adviser Guide
After an extensive review with our medical experts, we have simplified our underwriting requirements
What has changed |
The benefit |
GP Medical Exams replaced with Express Exams |
Nurse can be arranged at convenient appointment times making it quicker and simpler for the customer to attend. Capture the same key screening elements including BMI, blood pressure and urine test just as effectively. |
HIV and Hep B& C removed from mandatory requirements | Removal of blood tests. The incidence of HIV and Hep B & C in the general population in Australia is very low with ongoing advances in medical treatment only expected to further minimise incidence and severity into the future. |
Breast Exams replaced with Mammograms | Mammogram is seen as a more favourable customer experience. It also provides a more sophisticated examination technique. |
Stress ECGs replaced with Stress Echocardiograms | The echocardiogram is a more effective investigation than the stress ECG, especially in younger individuals. It provides a result from the first appointment which leads to a quicker underwriting decision where incidental cardiac findings are found. |
This applies to: OneCare
Updated versions will be available from 7 February 2025: OneCare PDS | The Adviser Guide