OnePath is committed to assisting you when you need us most
OnePath is committed to providing a high level of service and we have arrangements in place for resolving any complaints our customers may have. We will always endeavour to address your concerns as a matter of priority and will work with you to resolve your complaint.
If you wish to make a complaint about any OnePath service or product, below are a number of ways to contact us. We recommend having an email address and phone number on hand, and a policy number if applicable.

By phone:
OneCare Life Insurance products: 133 667
All other life insurance products: 132 062
International callers: +61 2 9995 3077
OnePath Investments : 1800 646 706 / +61 2 9995 3777
8.30am-6pm AEST Monday - Friday

By email:

By mail:
Dispute Resolution Manager
GPO Box 4148
Sydney, NSW 2001

OnePath Complaints Policy:
Further information about the processes we have in place to help you with complaints is set out in the OnePath Complaints Policy. We also have the policy available in other languages.
Customers needing additional help
OnePath will confirm that we have received your complaint and work with you to provide an outcome as quickly as possible.
If we need more than 5 days to review your concerns, we will refer you to our Dispute Resolution Team who will undertake further investigations.
Your dedicated contact will keep you regularly updated with the progress and will work with you to discuss options to resolve your complaint.
Once we have come to a decision on the outcome of your complaint, we will discuss the proposed outcome with you.
A written response outlining our complaints decision will be provided no later than 30 calendar days where your complaint relates to a life insurance policy, or 45 calendar days if it relates to a superannuation product.
Hearing and speech impaired customers can contact OnePath via the National Relay Service on 1300 555 727.
Customers requiring translation assistance can contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and request they contact us on your behalf.
The OnePath Complaints Policy is also available in the following languages:
What if I’m not satisfied with your proposed decision or resolution to my complaint?
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. AFCA’s contact details are:
Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
In writing: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Time limits may apply to lodging a complaint and you should act promptly or otherwise consult the AFCA website to understand if and when the time limit relevant to your circumstances expires.
In some cases where the complaint is about a Life insurance Policy a superannuation fund trustee owns, you will be advised if the trustee is required to give you a final written response about your Complaint. Where this applies, you will receive this within 45 calendar days of us or them receiving the Complaint. This response will include:
(a) Identification and response to the issues raised in the Complaint with a summary of the information relied on; and
(b) The action/s taken to resolve the Complaint or the reasons for the decision.
You will be able to ask for a copy of the documents and information relied on in assessing your Complaint. You will also have the right to take your Complaint to an External Disputes Resolution Body if you are not satisfied with the trustee’s decision.
Our Promises to You
We are committed to ensuring continuity of key industry standards as we transition our industry association membership from the Financial Services Council to the Council of Australian Life Insurers. This transition will have no impact on how we serve and support our customers and we will continue to be bound by the Life Insurance Code of Practice and relevant standards.
When you take out life insurance, it’s important that you get the highest standards of service in all your dealings with us.
That’s why we have adopted the Life Insurance Code of Practice. It’s the life insurance industry’s commitment to mandatory customer service standards and it’s designed to protect you, our customer.
Visit for more information.